We recently introduced our foundations of running workshops which starts with a 6-week block looking at the importance of adding strength and conditioning to your weekly training routine.
Carl, a local triathlete started stage 1 with the performance goal to “improve 1/2 marathon and 10k times off the bike”.
He was hoping the workshops would help to “improve my run technique so I can be more efficient when fatigue sets in at the end of a race. Also I’ve never really had any run coaching so I am very eager to learn.”
Carl completed both stage 1 and 2 and has shared his journey and progress with us:
“When I started Phase 1 with John I was unsure how the exercises related to actual running but he told me to be patient. Tracey Sample, who is my triathlon coach had referred me to Momentum for the additional training and she also said it will become apparent but don’t rush things.
During this period I ran the Slaley Hall 1/2 marathon and I started to feel things coming together. I won my age group but I couldn’t hold my new running position the whole way. During Phase 2 with Teleri things started to make sense. I ran the Hamsterly Half and again won my age group, much to my surprise.
Following completion of Phase 2 I have continued doing the strength training set by Teleri, in fact Tracey fits at least one of these sessions into my schedule per week. So now onto my first real race of the season. This was yesterday at Rivington, near Bolton. It was a very hilly duathlon. Both runs have 160m of climbing in the 4 mile distance, basically the first mile is straight up, with the other three miles being on rough trails. The bike section is very hilly with 680m of climbing over the 23 mile route.
Before the race I spent 30 mins doing Teleri’s warm up including strength and plyometrics. During the first run I could tell my legs felt much stronger than ever. I ran steady on the climb but found a huge change in my downhill running. I ran on my forefoot bounding down instead of my previous heel strike braking method. My legs seemed to deal with the extra forces put upon them with little complaint. The bike section really punishes your legs so when it came to the second run I was very apprehensive. I set off at the same pace as the first run. Normally my legs would cramp on this second hill. But not this time!! I was passing lots of pairs of athletes (it was a pairs event but I couldn’t find a partner) who were stopping on the steepest sections with one or both suffering cramp!! I ploughed on past feeling very strong. On the downhill section I maintained my forefoot running style and passed many pairs again. I finished strong and again won my age group!!
But it doesn’t end here. After the three hour journey home my legs still felt good, I even walked the dog on the beach after!!
So after all of that I can’t thank Teleri and John enough for getting me so so much stronger!! It’s like a miracle!! Tracey said if you want to become a better, stronger runner you must see these guys. And she was 100% correct.”
To find out more about our running workshops click HERE.