Blog - Thursday 20th July 2023

Vinny’s Recovery from Pulled Adductor Muscle

Dani Davies

Strength and Conditioning Coach

Vinny in Gym

The challenge

Vinny is a young footballer who saw Carl one of our physiotherapists, for a pulled adductor back in September 2022. After several physio sessions, Vinny was advised to get stronger before returning to football. He was keen to get back to all activity and not suffer a recurrence of the injury. Vinny started with the strength and conditioning team in November 2022, initially committing to a block of 10 sessions at Momentum, combined with doing additional exercises at home.

The Plan

Initially, we focused his training to lower limb strength with plenty of adductor strengthening exercises including Copenhagen’s, lateral lunges, then gradually introduced low level plyometrics to ensure Vinny could absorb force and started him back to running.

The Achievements

Vinny has really grown since training with us and started playing football back in January 2023. He hasn’t looked back since!

The progression Vinny has shown since starting at Momentum has been testament to all the hard work he has put in and his willingness to learn. Vinny has learnt to deadlift starting with a training bar and progressing to 35kg for 6 reps. We have kept a lower leg focus with an emphasis on single leg stability and strength but also introduced new exercises to strengthen the upper body and core. Vinny has set himself the challenge to do an unassisted chin up, currently we are using a thin resistance band.

The Future Goals

We are excited to support Vinny as he starts pre-season training for the upcoming football season. Along with challenging him to progress on current lifts and focus on technique with exercises like the Bulgarian split squat, that is great for lower leg strength. We will keep introducing new lifts and plyometric exercise to ensure Vinny continues to develop and progress.

A word from mum…

“The team at Momentum really are the best. Both of my sons have done strength and conditioning on a weekly basis from around 14 years old to help with injuries as a result of playing a lot of football.

My eldest did it for around 6 months, learnt everything he needed to know to train independently and has never looked back and my youngest is approaching his 4th 10 week block. It has done wonders for his body but also his confidence and he loves every minute of it.

I can’t recommend it highly enough if like me you have very active kids that simply aren’t strong enough to do the amount of sports they want to do…”

Find out more about how we can help our young athletes avoid further injury and reach their full potential with our young athlete development programme.

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