Blog - Thursday 8th December 2022

Partnership with AeroFin Performance

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Fin Robertson

We are delighted to announce our partnership with Fin Robertson, founder of AeroFin Performance to extend our bike fitting and performance related services.

A little word from Fin below sharing his experiences and why he’s joining forces with Momentum:

Hi, my name is Finlay Robertson.

Previously, I raced at a high level in Cyclocross and have represented Great Britain in World Cup’s as well as competing in the other major Cyclocross series. Recently, as I now work full time, I have switched focus to mainly doing time trials and a little bit of everything else (road, crits, cyclocross and triathlon) to keep me sane.

Coaching, Bike fits and all types of performance testing have always been of interest to me, trying to discover every gain I could when I was racing more, to now reflecting on what I was doing and assessing if I could do anything differently to excel further in the sport.

I set up AeroFin Performance to help triathletes and cyclists maximise their potential.

We offer Bike Fits, Aerodynamic optimisation, Physiological Profiling, Bespoke Cycling Coaching Packages and much more…

I will be doing Bike Fits and Aero Testing for Momentum, offering appointments in the evening and weekends. This is a great opportunity for me as the depth of knowledge the Momentum staff have is vast. I am hoping to learn a lot, but also bring something new to the table.

To make an appointment with Fin, click here

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